Friday, February 29, 2008

Have your dreams ever been crushed by someone?

This may be a stupid question for some, because the answer is almost a resounding "YES" for most people. What was the cause of this "crushing?" Was it cheating/infidelity? Or how about broken trust of another sort? What about apathy towards personal concerns?

Our society has a relationship dilemna of mass proportions going on. Many of the current relationships that are seen, both in normal circles of life as well as in celebrity circles, are really rooted in selfishness and bound for separation eventually. And, it appears that, on a large scale, no one is attempting to reserve this trend on a mass scale - thus continuing the selfish trend that exists. It is so bad, that divorce is higher than ever (approximately 50% overall average), as is "live-in partners" - which was virtually a non-existent relationship type about 20 years ago. And, most of these relationships break-up over problems that could be fixed relatively easily with just some consistency in the right areas.

We are faced with a seemingly unsolveable probem, but yet our hearts yearn to find the solution to this epidemic and similar type relationship issues that are floating around circles at ever-increasing speeds. What are we going to do?

Here are a few things I suggest:

1) Always, ALWAYS, start with you (me) - Look inside to see what can you do to get your problems resolved first. This would afford you the opportunity to kill a negative trend that affects both you and others.

2) Forgive immediately - Without forgiving even the person(s) that did you the worst, you cannot reap even the smallest amount of forgiveness for your smallest offences. Remember, "you reap what you have sown." So, give/sow FORGIVENESS so you can reap FORGIVENESS.
It's easier said then done, but it is doable. Also, make sure you forgive yourself in the matter as well.

3) Find an outlet to vent frustration - Sometimes you just need to vent a little; that way, you can blow off some steam. In some cases, people do wonders; in other cases, you need God to intervene. Either way, you need someone you can speak openly and objectively with regarding your frustration in your relationships situations. If not, you may bottle it up, then release it at a wrong time and cause more damage than good.

4) MOVE ON - Don't just sit there where the relationship broke up (no matter whose fault it was), crying your eyes out about how much you failed, or what that person did to do wrong to you. Just...get over it and move I always say - they are not first on the priority list of your life, so shake it off. GIVE YOURSELF SOME TIME TO HEAL - BUT MOVE FORWARD AS YOU ARE PURSUING THAT FULL HEALING. But, if you have let them into that spot, then you may have to fault yourself on the results. But, even then, don't stay with that too long either - don't let regret sit on you, but move forward with calm yet persistent agression. Find the joys of life and allow them to fill your life in a new way.

On any level, whether it be family, friends, romance or whatever else, relationships really affect all of us. We all need healthy relationships in our lives, but stuff happens where some of even the most important relationships we have at a certain period face serious difficulties and oppositions of all sorts. Honestly, some relationships can be restored, while others need to just be left alone - it's for your good.

More to come later, but just some late night thoughts. Let's seek to bring all our real relationships to the next level in trust, closeness, purity, and such. Pursuing this together....until next time.....Take care friends and fam!!!